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4eva young camper hire LTD does everything they can to respect your right to privacy and the protection of your private personal information. 4eva Young is a small family run business with only two directors Mr Paul Young and Mrs Jill Young who are the data controllers.

Purpose of statement

To ensure compliance with GDPR to establish the following

● Who is the data controller?

● What data we receive

● What data we store

● Where data is stored

● Who has access

● For what purpose data is stored

● How is consent obtained to use/store data?

● How data is deleted

● Control measures in place

● Procedure to report breach

Who is the data controller?

Company directors Mr Paul Young and Mrs Jill Young Who are both ultimately responsible for the company compliance with gdpr.

What data we receive


● Name

● Address

● Email address 

● Payment details

● Driver licence details

● 2 forms of identification (e.g. utility bills)

Where data is stored

● Database system password protected PC

● Paper invoices – secure filling cabinet at company address office.

● If customers send via email- attachment deleted after printed and added to secure filing cabinet

Who has access

Paul Young Jill Caton company directors (all information)

Insurance company (driver information/licence DVLA Code check print out and 2 forms of Id)

Accountant for 4eva Young camper hire Ltd (name address payment details)

For what purpose is data stored

● Identity checks

● Insurance purposes

● DVLA Driver checks

● Payment and payment ID

● Marketing

How long data is stored

● All information is stored securely before and during hire period

● Name address and email address will be store post hire period all other personal information will be destroyed within 1 month of hire period.

● We are required for tax purposes to keep basic personal data (name address contact information) for a minimum of 6 years after which time it will be destroyed

How is consenting to use data obtained

● Enquiries made via telephone/email social media and website and upon arranging booking of hire verbally or electronically.

How is a request for data handled?

All subject request applications to be made to the data controllers in writing via email to Mr Paul Young and Mrs Jill Young All requests will be responded to within the relevant timeframes set out by GDPR and usually be within 30 days. The subject data request will only be accepted by the person who the data relates to.

How is data deleted Data is deleted

by the directors of 4eva young camper hire Ltd who have access to the database where the information is stored. All requests to delete data will be endeavoured within 30 days of the request, however should the request contradict legislation of England and Wales or instructions by relevant authorities the data will remain on file until instructed by aforementioned.

What control measures are in place 

● Data access is restricted to the named persons in this document 4eva Young Camper Hire Ltd GDPR policy statement

● All third-party business partners mentioned in this document who keep data of customers also have GDPR policies

What is the procedure to report a breach?

If a suspected breach has taken place all individuals identified who may have been affected by the breach will be contacted within 24 hours